Thursday, September 12, 2013

Apple Trees and Some More Crochet

Nora has been adjusting really well to Pre-K. I'm so thrilled for her. I am convinced that in part, has to do with her teacher. She is seriously a dream come true. She is so sweet and amazing and does really great things with the kids. We feel so fortunate to have her :) Another part of that equation is undoubtedly Nora. She is making an honest effort every day to get out there and try new things. I know this is sometimes tough for her (especially on Zumba days), but she has been branching out and getting involved and for that I am very proud of her.

Speaking of branching out, we made apple trees for show and share Friday. Nora, Claire and I had lots of fun making these fun tissue paper/t.p. roll trees. We found the idea HERE. Pure genius, if you ask me! I reluctantly let Nora do the whole craft by herself, which took a lot of effort on my part since this project was a messy one ;) Consequently, Nora learned to make an apple tree and I learned to let go a little bit. Win win if you ask me!!

And as I'm sure you've noticed, I've been a bit obsessive about crocheting amigurumis lately :) On average, I've been completing one project per week. Mostly I've been making small food-themed amigurumis and a couple of animals as well. Pictured above are some WIC's* from earlier this month :) Patterns can be found HEREHERE and  HERE. Next I'll be stitching up these adorable animal hats by Monica Rodriquez Fuertes: Elephant Hat and Giraffe Hat. My mom will be gifting them at a twin's baby shower this month.

*Works In Completion

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